Official Partnership AICO-FICTS
First official Partnership FICTS – AICO
The Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (FICTS) and The Association Internationale of Olympic Collectors (AICO), two organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee, are proud to announce their first partnership with the organization of the 27th World Olympic Collectors’ Fair Paris 2023.
FICTS will participate in the Olympic exhibition “Share our Olympic History” organized by AICO during the WOCF (23/25 June 2023 – Paris – 1, avenue Pierre de Coubertin), by broadcasting films presenting its activities.
Professor Franco ASCANI, FICTS President declares: “An interaction of sport and culture to create the right mentality for new organizational moments and a constant promotion and appreciation of mutual initiatives to spread the values of the Olympic message with a view to environmental and social sustainability.”
Christophe AIT-BRAHAM, AICO President and Commissioner general for the WOCF Paris 2023 explains: “United by the bond of culture and Olympic heritage, this partnership was obvious between our two institutions. We hope it’s a first step for a long experience of sharing: our respective members through our national federations have everything to gain! From Paris to Milano … we will have so many things to achieve together, under the Olympic colors, values and spirit!”
The exhibition “Share our Olympic History” and the WOCF Paris 2023 have received the label of “Olympiad Cultural” from Paris 2024.
For information on the WOCF 2023: