Höher, schneller, weiter - Flugsport, Luftverkehr und Luftpost im Zeichen der fünf Ringe / Von den Anfängen bis 1932 Aeronautical sports have been included in the Olympic programme in 1900 and had later some rebirths, even if not...
Read MoreAIWOS Category: 2021
The Summer Olympic Games 1896-1936 The exhibit overviews the history of the Olympic Games through ancient Greece to its revival by Coubertin. It covers the first eleven modern Olympics before the WWII philatelically. It studies the programme, events,...
Read MoreHOW SKIING WON - The heroic age of modern skiing What does alpine skiing mean for today’s people? A healthy passion? A spectacular and hard struggling sport? Spectacle of the wonderful surroundings? An expensive but much giving back sport? These...
Read MoreOne of the most popular winter sport alpine skiing Later, I grasped the principles of thematic philately and developed my collection on alpine skiing over nearly twenty years, which I am constantly developing. This collection has toured many exhibitions...
Read MoreIl Volley The thematic collection is a representation of the Volleyball through the history, development and evolution of playing techniques. All the events were represented with philately. One chapter is dedicated to Italian Volleyball and another...
Read MoreTable Tennis The collection is realized in four chapters in which I describe the history, the evolution from game to sport up to the Olympics, the free time and all the competitions. The message of peace is also important: the ping pong diplomacy (1971...
Read MoreBeach Volley - History of the game and Olympic games Frame 1 Fabio Bisogno Unione Italiana Collezionisti Olimpici E Sportivi I collet thematic stamps since 1989 when I partecipated...
Read MoreOlympisme (Les Jeux Olympiques de l'ère Moderne) Le Rénovateur, les Symboles et les Jeux d'été de 1896 aux Jeux non célébrés Olympisme (les Jeux Olympiques de l'ère Moderne) 5 cadres de 16 pages Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame...
Read MoreAthletics My athletics collection starts from the origins through the Olympic Games of antiquity continues with the athletics of today through the organization and the factors of progress. Then we talk about all the specialties from speed to multiple...
Read MoreOLYMPISM, the perpetual battle by renovators History of the modern olympic games, forerunners, revival and the difficulties of organisation of games due to many different reasons (politic, wars, etc...) Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame...
Read MoreOLYMPISM, The perpetual battle by renovators History of the modern olympic games, forerunners, revival and the difficulties of organisation of games due to many different reasons (politic, wars act...) Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 Frame...
Read MorePARIS 1924, LA MOTIVATION OLYMPIQUE " Boissons alcoolisées et sport vue par Saint-Raphaël Quinquina" Total only 16 of the 51 designed postcard are finally edited. Some originally text changed by edited 16 postcards. Frame 1 Herrmann...
Read MoreBERLIN 1916, THE OLYMPIC DREAM,from racetrack (1909) to the "Deutschen Stadion" (1913-1933) Story of the "Deutschen Stadion" previous for the olympic summer games Berlin 1916. This stadion was destroyed in 1934, to make place of the new Berlin Olympic...
Read MoreHistoire de la flamme olympique De l'antiquité à Los Angeles, l'histoire et le symbolisme de la flamme olympique par la philatélie. Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Francis...
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