Lietuvos Olimpine Kolekcininku Asociacija (LOKA)
The mission of LOKA is to promote the Olympic ideals and share knowledge on all types of Olympic collectibles by promoting friendship between Olympic collectors from all over the world.
Primary Interest
Philately, Numismatics, Pins, Memorabilia
Membership Benefits
- LOKA Bulletin
- Meetings/Conventions (3-4 times per year)
- Organizing joint exhibitions
- Exchanges of knowledge about collecting
Annual Dues: none
Contact Address
Lithuanian Olympic Collectors Association
Olimpieciu Str. 15
Vilnius, Lithuania LT-09237
NOC Member
Curatorship, NOC for Lithuania (LTOK)
Elected Officials
President: Juozas SIRVINSKAS
Vice Chairman & Secretary: Dr. Kestutis SKERYS
Secretary General: Rimantas DZIAUTAS
Name: LOKA Bulletin
Issue/Year: occasional