Launch of the Olympic Collecting Library Catalog

The Executive Board of the International Association of Olympic Collectors (AICO) announces the launch on 5 August 2016 of the OLYMPIC COLLECTING LIBRARY CATALOG. This is the latest and most important project for our Association as it will ably demonstrate the widely ranging achievements of the Olympic collecting hobby. Creation of the catalog is in its very early stages and based on efforts to set up an OLYMPIC COLLECTING LIBRARY. Eventually, it is hoped, an OLYMPIC COLLECTING LIBRARY could be incorporated into a worldwide network of Olympic libraries.

We estimate that there exist approximately 1000 publications on different categories of Olympic collecting which will be inventoried in the catalog, the first of its kind. Current listings include some 500 publications on Olympic and sports philately, consisting primarily of holdings of the Museum of Sport & Tourism in Warsaw. In the upcoming months, With the help of our member clubs, we hope to begin adding digitized versions of their journals.

We invite collectors worldwide not only to visit and use our library catalog to broaden their knowledge of Olympic collecting, but to contribute new listings to enhance this resource. It is especially important that published materials on the other Olympic collecting fields — Numismatics, Pins and Memorabilia — be brought to light so that they may be included in the CATALOG.

Visit the Olympic Collecting Library Catalog