History of MOSFIT (1994-2019)

MOSFIT, the Hungarian Olympic and Sport Philatelic Association, was founded in 1992. On its 25th anniversary, Mr. Laszlo Juhasz edited this 200+ page book celebrating Olympic and sports stamp collecting in Hungary. Many important philatelic moments are highlighted including: 1979 Mosonmagyaróvár and in Budapest in 1985, 1988 and in 1992; the 104th IOC Congress in Budapest in which the host city of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games was selected; the Centennial of the Hungarian Olympic Committee in 1995; and the 125th anniversary of the Hungarian Gymnastics Federation in 2010.

The book was published by MOSFIT with Gervay Mihaly Hungarian Postal History Foundation and Philatelia Hungarica Ltd. as sponsors. The text of the book is in Hungarian, and had a limited printing of 100 copies.

Ordering instructions:

Copies may be ordered through Zoltan Klein (filaszob@gmail.com). The cost is €10 or US$12. Postage costs are: Europe, €13 for regular mail; €16 priority mail. Overseas: $US15 regular mail; US$20 priority mail.