A center of excellence for understanding and fostering the Olympic Movement through collectibles


Chapter 1 – Exhibition details

Art. 1 Objectives and Organization

The AICO WEB OLYMPIC SHOW 2021, (AIWOS 2021), is a virtual exhibition that will take place from 23 JULY through 3 OCTOBER and will be displayed online at www.aicolympic.org/aiwos2021.

The goal of AIWOS 2021 specifically is to promote the Olympic spirit, through friendly competition among exhibitors.

The event is organized by AICO through the Organizing Committee, which has the responsibility of running the exhibition and supervising it.

The members of the Organizing Committee will be chosen by the Executive Board of AICO.

Art. 2 Structure of the exhibition

AIWOS 2021 includes the following exhibition sections:

2.1 Court of Honor, for exhibits invited by the Organizing Committee to give prominence to the event.

2.2. Philately,  for exhibits structured according to the criteria of the competitive classes defined by the International Federation of Philately, including the most recent ones (Open Philately, One Frame, Illustrated Postcards).

2.3 Memorabilia, for exhibits containing Olympic and sporting memorabilia objects and pins of any type, except for prohibited, dangerous or offensive material.

2.4 Youth, for younger collectors born after 31.12.2000, may participate with philatelic and memorabilia exhibits.

Art. 3 Requirements for participation

All classes of competition are open to all collectors who are members of an AICO member association. Youth exhibitors need not be members of an AICO member association. Exhibits must be devoted to the Olympic Games, the Olympic Movement, or to any sport recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). There are no exhibitor frame fees.

Art. 4 Terms for Applications

Applications for participation must be completed using the form provided on the website www.aicolympic.org/aiwos2021 from 01 June to 10 July 2021.

An applicant’s membership in an AICO member association will be verified by the Organizing Committee. If not confirmed, the application will be rejected ex officio.

Art. 5 Commitments of the exhibitor

By signing the application form, the applicant declares to have read and fully accepted all Regulations for AIWOS 2021, and particularly Art. 11. He/she also declares that all the exhibited material is original and owned by him/her and that the images were not manipulated to improve the apparent condition of the pieces.

The applicant also authorizes AICO and the IOC to publish the scans of the exhibit online for the duration of the event. The applicant may also indicate permission for the exhibit to remain on the AICO website following completion of the exhibition.

The exhibitor’s signature also confirms acceptance of the privacy regulations stated in Art. 21. Incomplete applications, or those that do not meet these requirements shall not be considered.

Art. 6 Confirmation of participation

The acceptance or rejection of an exhibit will be communicated to the applicant by 15 July 2021. In the case of accepted exhibits, the absolute deadline for submitting scans of the entire exhibit is 20 August 2021 (specifications for scans are provided in Art. 11). Exhibits must be accompanied by a one-page Synopsis in pdf format. The applicant may send an optional short presentation illustrating the exhibit in video (max 10 minutes) or in Power Point format (max 20 slides). The files with the scans, synopsis and any presentation should be sent by e-mail through the services for transferring large files    (e.g. We  Transfer, JumboMail, Dropbox,  cloud),    to  the email aiwos2021@aicolympic.org.

Art. 7 Evaluation of the exhibits

Each competitive section of AIWOS 2021 will be judged by a special jury, appointed by the Organizing Committee, and formed on the basis of the number and type of exhibits. Juries will be announced no earlier than 15 July with notification on the site www.aicolympic.org/aiwos2021.

The meetings of the Jury will take place via videoconference.

For each competitive class, the Jury will complete an evaluation form with suggestions for improving the exhibit. These will be sent by e-mail to the exhibitor following the conclusion of the exhibition.

The Jury may request the viewing of one or more objects presented in an exhibit in a specially  arranged Zoom conference. Failure to comply  will result in the disqualification of the exhibit from AIWOS 2021, without any rights of recourse.

Art. 8 Evaluation by the public

Visitors to the AIWOS 2021 virtual exhibition will have the opportunity to cast a vote for their favorite exhibits. Winners will receive a special prize.

Art. 9 Presentation of results

The results of the exhibition will be announced in a ceremony (date to be announced later) held on the AIWOS 2021 website. The president of the Jury, or his delegate, will announce the best exhibit in each class along with any special prizes. At this time, the list of awards for every exhibit will be posted on the website. The ceremony will be recorded and available on the AIWOS 2021 website.

An official awards ceremony will take place at the next World Olympic Collectors’ Fair along with a display of the best exhibits.

Exhibitors will be able to book a virtual online Zoom meeting with a juror during a two-week period following the exhibition.

Art. 10 Court of Honour

The exhibits will receive a diploma certifying the participation in the exhibition.


Chapter 2. Philatelic exhibition

Art. 11 Submission of the exhibit

Entries must be submitted in A4 (or 8.5” x 11”) or A3 (or 11” x 17) page format. Multi- frame exhibits must be a minimum of 64 pages and maximum of 128 pages in length, in multiples of 16 pages. One Frame exhibits will be 16 pages in length. When counting the number of pages, it is understood that a single A3 (11” x 17”) size page is the equivalent of 2 pages.

The Plan and the exhibit pages, as well as the presentation form and any further presentation, must be in English, or in another FIP languages (French, German and Spanish).

The scans must be made with the following technical specifications:

  • Resolution: 300 dpi
  • Format: pdf in a single file for each exhibit (max 200 MB)
  • Pages must be scanned without their plastic protection
  • Individual postal documents / stamps and any other exhibited object must be scanned at full size, i.e., without any scale reduction
  • The same object cannot be present in several points of the same exhibit, or in multiple

exhibits, by the same owner.

Art. 12 Evaluation of exhibits

The evaluation will be conducted by a Jury composed of internationally qualified jurors in the area of Olympic and sports philately.

They will operate in accordance with the General Regulations of the International Federation of Philately (FIP) on the Evaluation of Exhibits (GREV) and the Special Regulations (SREV) for each class of philatelic competition.

These mentioned regulations are available on the website www.aicolympic.org/aiwos2021.

Art. 13 Awards

Each  exhibit  will  be  awarded  a  virtual  medal  diploma,  with  the  medal  level corresponding to the score obtained. The medal award scheme is as follows:

90 >

Large gold




Large Vermeil




Large silver




Silver  bronze



< 54

Certificate of participation

The Jury will award the AIWOS 2021 Grand Prix – Philately to the best exhibit and will also award the following prizes:

  • Best exhibit dedicated to the Olympics and Olympism
  • Best exhibit dedicated to a single Olympic Games
  • Best exhibit dedicated to one or more sports disciplines or events
  • Best exhibit of Open Philately.
  • Best exhibit in the One Frame class (16 pages)
  • Best Youth Exhibit.

By the number and type of exhibits, additional Special Prizes may be awarded the Jury may also express its felicitations to an exhibit based on special merit or outstanding philatelic achievements.


Chapter 3 – Memorabilia Exhibition

Art. 14 Objects of the exhibition

The exhibition is open to all objects of Olympic and sports memorabilia, which are physically owned and in the possession of the exhibitor.

Objects reproduced from the originals or deemed counterfeit or not from the historical era to which they refer, cannot be used.

The objects contained in the exhibits must not be offensive, dangerous, or illegal in nature.

Art. 15 Submission of exhibit

Where possible, exhibitors will send their exhibits according to criteria specified in Art. 11.

In the case of three-dimensional objects or objects of particular value or of historical and collectible value, each item must be accompanied by an additional photo together with the exhibitor himself.

Alternatively,  the  exhibitor  can  send  together  with  the  exhibit  a  short  video presentation of the exhibit showing single objects requiring proof.

Art. 16 Evaluation of exhibits

Entries will be judged by a panel of Jurors coordinated by the President of the AICO, and composed of recognized experts in the field.

Art. 17 Awards

The Jury will evaluate the best exhibit, to which it will award the AIWOS 2021 Special Prize for Memorabilia.

Furthermore, the Jury may present special prizes, in relation to the type of exhibits presented.


Chapter 4 Final arrangements

Art. 18 Irrevocable decisions

The  decisions  of  the  Organizing  Committee  and  the  evaluations  of  the  Jury  are irrevocable.

Art. 19 Communications with exhibitors

Communication  with  exhibitors  will  take  place  exclusively  through  the  website www.aicolympic.org or directly via e-mail.

Art. 20 Amendments to the Regulations and cases not covered

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify the aforementioned rules, promptly informing all exhibitors. Cases not covered by these regulations will be decided by the Organizing Committee.

Art. 21 Data protection and Privacy

The data provided by exhibitors will be used for the organization and evaluation of the exhibition and can be stored and transmitted both in electronic and paper format.

The personal data of exhibitors will be processed in accordance with the European law on the use of personal data. Responsible for their treatment is the President of the Organizing Committee.


Chapter 5 Organizing Committee and Contact Addresses

Art. 23 Organizing Committee

President:            Massimiliano BRUNO                     massibru@libero.it





Yannick SURZUR








Official website : www.aicolympic.org/AIWOS2021

E-mail :   aiwos2021@aicolympic.org



The regulations for exhibiting are now available to be viewed and downloaded.

Le règlement d’exposition est désormais disponible pour être consulté et téléchargé.