AICO Web Olympic Show — AIWOS 2021
AIWOS 2021
Virtual international exhibition of Olympic collections
23 July / 2 October 2021
The International Association of Olympic Collectors is pleased to announce the 1st international virtual exhibition of Olympic collectibles (AIWOS 2021)
All collectors belonging to a member association of AICO are invited to participate with their exhibits on the history and heritage of the Olympic Games and sports.
Furthermore, for the very first time, young collectors around the world may participate without needing to belong to a member association.
Stamps, torches, pins, postcards, medals, mascots, books, photos, posters … a thousand and one things to share, to discover.
Some key dates to remember
- 27 March 2021: AIWOS 2021 official announcement
- 1 May: presentation of the AIWOS 2021 special regulations
- 1 June: first day for submitting applications on the website
- 10 July: deadline for submitting applications on the website
- 15 July: confirmation of acceptance to the applicants and announcement of the jury composition
- 23 July: official opening of the dedicated AIWOS 2021 website and first day for uploading exhibits
- 20 August: deadline for uploading exhibits
- 5 September: opening of the virtual exhibition. Public may vote for their Favorite Exhibits.
- 1 October: last day for public voting
- 2 October: presentation of the results and award ceremony online
- 3 October: closing of the exhibition
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