AICO Elects New Executive Board

[Above, left to right: Stephanie Coppex, IOC representative; Branislav Delej, Treasurer; Christophe Ait-Braham, Secretary; Roman Babut, President; Mark Maestrone, 1st Vice-President; and Massimiliano Bruno, 2nd Vice-President.]

At the IInd General Assembly of AICO held on 14 May 2016 in conjunction with the 22nd World Olympic Collectors Fair in Gothenburg, Sweden, representatives of the 16 member organizations of AICO elected three members to the Executive Board. Roman Babut of Poland and Branislav Delej of Slovakia were both reelected to the Board, along with new member, Massimiliano Bruno of Italy. Babut and Bruno will each serve 4-year terms, while Delej completes the remaining two years of the seat vacated by the passing of Gianni Galeotti in 2015. Mark Maestrone (USA) and Chritophe Ait-Braham (France) both have two years remaining in their terms. Following the election, the new Executive Board met to select the office holders for the term 2016-2018:

Roman Babut, President

Mark Maestrone, 1st Vice-President

Massimiliano Bruno, 2nd Vice-President

Christophe Ait-Braham, Secretary

Branislav Delej, Treasurer