30th anniversary Lithuania NOC Book

30th anniversary of the restored National Olympic Committee of Lithuania (1988/2018) Collectors View

Produced by the Lithuania National Olympic Committee on the 30th anniversary of its restoration in 2018, this book is dedicated to acquainted the collecting community with awards, official badges, special occasion and commemorative medals, collector and commemorative coins, postage stamps and envelopes with special stamps, and publications, during the 30-year period from 1988-2018.

From the book’s forward:

“On 11 April 2001, Lithuanian Olympic Collectors Association (LOKA) has been established within the structures of National Olympic Committee of Lithuania. Members of association accumulate collectibles related to the Olympic Games and Olympic sports, such as postage stamps, pins, coins, books, and other items to remember Olympic Games. Members of association are people of various professions, united by the passion for sports and collecting. They promote Olympic ideals and encourage an interest in Olympic phaleristics, numismatics and other collectibles in Lithuania and abroad. Since Lithuania celebrates the Centenary of Restoration of the State, and the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania celebrates its 30th Anniversary of Restoration of the Committee this year, collecting of the Olympic items take on a special meaning and importance. While publishing this book, dedicated to the history of Lithuanian Olympic collection, which is reflected in phaleristics, philately, coin and book collections the collectors, members of association, become part of the whole Olympic family.”

For more information contact Mr. Rimantas Dziautas, the LOKA Secretary General : rimasdz@gmail.com