Payment by Bank card Paris 2024 payment goodies BC EN Here, you pay by bank card (Visa, Mastercard...) for AFCOS souvenirs purchased at the Olympic Collection House and/or reserving a table on site. No payment by credit or debit card for any amount less than €10. Please complete all required fields correctly.Email(Required) Add an email Confirm email Lot 6 postcards House of Olympic Collectors Quantity Price: 5,00 € Quantity Lot of 6 different postcardsHouse of the French and International Association of Olympic Collectors' pin Quantity Price: 5,00 € Quantity Book Olympic Stadiums 1896-1996 Quantity Price: 15,00 € Quantity Collector stamps WOCF 2023 Quantity Price: 15,00 € Quantity Sales and trading table Quantity Price: 10,00 € Quantity 1 table per day and per morning or afternoon sessionTotal to pay Before validating your payment, please check that the quantities and items are correctBank card(Required)Card details Name of holder of the card Δ